New website
It is with great regret that I had to abandon my site created by the excellent graphic designer Alba Glass, it was in 2004.
Fortunately, the no less excellent Sébastien Brault, offers a "turnkey" interface, other than Wordpress, but with features just as simple and pleasant ... and moreover you talk with a human being, yes, yes!
Fortunately, the no less excellent Sébastien Brault, offers a "turnkey" interface, other than Wordpress, but with features just as simple and pleasant ... and moreover you talk with a human being, yes, yes!
I let you view and do not hesitate to give me your opinions and possible errors.
The Missing Mass at the Musée Départemental des Hautes-Alpes. This exhibition brings together my work on the mountain and the latest experiments with the Collectif Glacier.
But as you know this exhibition is still waiting for the museums to open.

But as you know this exhibition is still waiting for the museums to open.